Tuesday, February 2, 2010

>.> <.< YAH!!!!! *slaps random person in back of head with fish*

Rachel: yes. and the reason i asked was because we were discussing a nickname for me (you know, like when i call him senpai), and he suggested 'smexy-chan'. so i was confused. it sounded like a compliment, so i denied it, but i wasn't sure...

so the last few days were... ok.
oh! i gave my english presentation today! apparently, i got an 'A', so that was good. though i think describing the Philly mafia as 'fun' scared a few of my classmates... oh well, i was gonna scare 'em anyway, might as well be sooner than later... so yeah. that's really the only thing that happened... besides senpai not answering my emails. but we still talk in person, so i'm guessing that he's just not checking his account.
oh well, that was basically it...

oh wait, something happened.
my parents came home from skiing/snowboarding, and are livid. not at my brother, oh no, he's blameless. at me. just because i was on the computer when they left and when they came back doesn't mean that i was on it for two hours straight. just because the fire died down doesn't mean that i didn't feed it. just because the dogs' water bowl is empty, doesn't mean i neglect them. and just because my brother didn't put his cup in the dishwasher, but on the countertop, doesn't mean that i am lazy. my mother decided i wasn't 'doing my part' for the family, and set up a new rule; once i get home from school, i get ten minutes to check my email, then straight to homework. then i have to do a 'chore', like cook dinner or wash dishes from dinner (which i usually end up cooking anyway), or do laundry (which i do) before i can go on the computer again or watch TV.
oh, and apparently i've been 'angry lately' according to my dad. but of course all of my issues are 'for attention', says my mother.
i need help... and sometimes i think i'm the only one that sees that. isn't the screw-up supposed to deny having a problem?

1 comment:

  1. yes, you do need help. i wish i could give it to you, but your parents need to be in on it for it to work. which means you may need to get someone with authority from the outside involved, because clearly your parents don't believe you. just consider it, 'kay?

    i pray for you every single day, and i love my kat-chan. :) don't forget that!
