Saturday, February 13, 2010

happiness+sadness=life. life-.9happiness+amazing friends=me.

lately i've been listening to a lot of Fall Out Boy music... and Creed. Creed's pretty awesome, but not as awesome as F.O.B. (just my humble personal opinion). and i found out that now any time i listen to By Your Side or Hold My Heart by Tenth Avenue North i cry. not just live, like i thought, but ANY TIME! yes i know i have problems...
and thanks rachel. that was a very long, very sweet comment. i just have some issues with it:
i am in no way selfless. it would hurt me to see senpai unhappy, just like any of my friends. and i don't like being hurt...
i don't like doubting you rachel, but i am extremely dubious of the opinion that there are 'plenty of boys that would be thrilled to have me'
the ... after singledom is well-placed. and well-used. in my opinion, only people who are gorgeous or who have been not-single can 'relish in singledom'
thank you. i love you (in a completely platonic way) too!
(if it matters,) did you see the thingy at the bottom of my page? i love runes... they're so fascinating, aren't they? you don't even have to believe them to appreciate them, they have so many different meanings...
kind of like words...


  1. *virtual hug*
    I'm not a very huggy or emotion-sharing person, I'm like a guy in that way...Weird...
    Anyway, back to subject (and this is going to be a very long comment X3)
    First, I found your blog!! It wasn't really hard. Rachel has a link to hers on facebook and you comment on her thing, so its not hard to find yours. This probably sounds stalker-ish, but whatever X3 (In case you are wondering, I will not tell the chibi about your blog if you don't want me to ;3)
    Sooo...yeah, lots of drama going on, to the point that even I notice something (I always find out about things last (or never) because people never tell me about anything and its a major issue I have with myself, but that's for another day because this is not about me right now)...So, I kinda had a feeling before I read your blog that senpai had a girlfriend and it was causing drama :(. I can be observant sometimes, especially when I know somethings up that no one is telling me about.
    Anyway, I had no idea what you felt about it and I feel really bad that I've been missing everything that you and Rachel both have been going through. You're both so happy in school! I feel like I've been a horrible friend (and now here I am talking about myself again!)
    Katherine, contrary to what you might think, you are selfless. The fact that it hurts you when your friends are hurt is selflessness, in my opinion. (yeah, yeah, call it sympathy or empathy or whatever).
    I'm sure there are also a lot of guys who would love to be with you. You are such an awesome person and how can people not love that?
    On a random note, I love your Gir picture! It made me chuckle X3
    And reading your "About Me" thing (and again feeling like a stalker). You are in no way ordinary Katherine (which some people may take as an insult, but I hope you know what I mean). You are unlike any person I have ever met. Our entire book black market is made of amazing people (including you) that are the farthest from ordinary I have ever seen.
    And we don't only keep you around for your books and sarcastic comments (though they are a bonus sometimes). You're simply an awesome person and our group would not be complete without you!
    Geez, told you this was gonna be a long comment. <-(just so you know, that word took me about 5 times to type correctly even though it is right above this boxy thingy.)
    Anyway, ADD moment over.
    One more thing (I think) Your little picture thing with the blue and black in your "about me" is awesome. But whenever I see it, it looks like that cute little orange fuzzy alien thing in that Chicken Little movie and its doing some kind of odd summoning that requires it to catch itself on pretty-blue-fire.
    Hmmmm....I think I need to make a blog as well. (one reason being that if I make my own, I may remember to check yours and rachel's, and it gives me one more thing to do that is not homework X3)
    I need to think of a name that fits the theme you and rachel seem to have going: "Musings of a Teenage Philosopher", "Journals of a Teenage Misfit", maybe "Adventures of a Teenage Otaku???" That seems so much shallower than both of yours, but I think if fits me well...And anyone reading this probably realizes that I am this "otaku" that you speak of and I think its going to use my name when I post this comment...
    Oh well...
    maybe the creepy internet stalkers are stupid?? Or maybe I shouldn't insult them...
    Yeah, internet stalkers are really really intelligent. (please don't kill me!)
    Now this is just getting weird...
    Is there a limit to how long these comments can be?
    I'll just have to find out won't I!

  2. yes, the creepy internet stalkers are like Todd! we should respect them!
    ...though we should still ridicule them.
    no, no comment limit! i should know, i was on someone else's blog a little while ago, and we were having a comment war. they won. Dibsy (the winner) sang every Barney song ever made, went through the process of making a demon-ninja cupcake (complete with materials list and step-by-step instructions which i have yet to try), and basically scripted the entire Pirates of the Caribbean movie. the first one. i gave him a virtual hug/cyber-cookie for it.
    that said, you should totally get a blog! besides email, it's the biggest homework-deflecting-device i have! (i cannot compare it to facebook, for i have none...) and 'Adventures of a Teenage Otaku' would be a perfect name! it isn't shallow, it's just not emo like mine!
    no, the pictures not of a cute fuzzy orange alien conducting a strange ritual (did anyone else think of Naruto there?), it's of a fallen angel. actually, i think it's lucifer, but i'm not sure...
    it's ok if you're a stalker Otaku-chan! we're ALL stalkers in some way shape or form. did you read my comment/post about Rachel's future husband?
    and i think that right now this blog is too emo for Chibi-chan... maybe when it gets happier we can include others... actually i wasn't expecting anyone besides Rachel to read this for at least another month or too. well maybe read, but not leave comments.
    ...though comments are interesting... i once had someone propose to me over a blog comment (on a different blog i had a while ago. RP thing. maybe i'll include the link here... it's harmless anyway...)

  3. Kaitlyn: You are not a bad friend. There are just some things I think I (and probably Kat) don't always talk about... not because I don't want to... just because school is my safe, happy place. (Jeez... I am sooo not a normal teenager! haha) And your comment was incredibly sweet.

    -Listen to Kaitlyn. She is absolutely right.
    -And there ARE boys that would be happy to have you! I can think of about three right off the top of my head - unfortunately, stupid dumb boys don't notice things, grrr!! >.<
    -But I understand what you're saying about the having to be un-single to appreciate being single, and I agree.
    -But sometimes I like the less complicated-ness part! Appreciate the lack of confusing complications!
    -I also cry whenever I listen to TAN. Period. It really hits me where it hurts, draws me closer to God when I'm deeply broken.
    -...Someone... proposed to you... on a blog...?!?!?!?!!?!!

  4. Todd!!!
    Comment star wars, but on the internet and with less shooting and death...
    Naruto is an alien?! doesn't surprise me...
    I see the angel now that I looked at the picture full size. In its small size, I figured it was a candle with blue flame or something (which is awesome) but fallen angel is even awesomer (which is not a word, but I don't really care right now).
    I too am curious about the blog proposal o.O<-your emoticon!
    I'm probably doing it wrong again X3
