Sunday, March 28, 2010

well yesterday was... eventful. (corgi-chan=chibi-chan)

hi everyone! the past few days hasn't been that eventful, except for yesterday. so I'm just gonna talk about that.
so, yesterday I got up at 7 o'clock, and got ready for- nope, not work. Instead, I went to Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster with Kaitlyn!! it was fuunnnn.
anyway, back to the story.
so after a very weird hour-long car ride, we finally arrived at the campus. then, after the opening-ceremony-thing, we had a campus tour! they have TWO LIBRARIES!!! and awesome (though rather small) dorms!!! AND AN ALCOHOL-FREE PUB!!!!!! called 'Ben's Underground'! how cool is that?
then after that, we had lunch and got to choose the presentation that we went to next. Kaitlyn and I went to 'Interview/Essay Do's and Don'ts', and the presenters were so cool! you could tell that they had worked together for forever, they were almost like a comedy routine!
then we went to 'Academics and Housing' and the presenters were awesome AGAIN! there was a really nerdy guy, a nerd-that-didn't-look-much-like-a-nerd lady, and another nerdy guy! they were awesome!!!!
then, after a performance by their a capella choir, they had the closing-ceremony-thing and gave out cookies!
t'was quite awesome...

then, when i got home at around 5, i had to start on my homework and eat dinner quickly, because i went to the play too! our school did Disney's Beauty and the Beast, and it was really good. the only downfalls:
-i pre-ordered tickets, so i got vouchers. they lost my ticket. so when i presented the voucher, they had to give me some random ticket that didn't go anywhere.
-people had sat where i intended to sit and wouldn't move, so i had to sit in the seats way off to the side and thus compromise my view
-i went with my friend's creepy-goofy-boyfriend, who i am not allowed to call creepy or goofy anymore. which was really awkward because i had a bit of a crush on him in the beginning of the year before he was going out with my friend. and when i told my english teacher that in a fit of venting, she told me that he and i would be much better suited to each other. it was actually pretty fun, we have the same sense of humor, so we were making comments to each other through out the entire play. except in intermission, some lady came over to us and yelled at us because we were 'talking too loud'. we could barely hear each other and she sat on the opposite side of the aisle. it was also kind of sad (for me at least). he doesn't like dark or enclosed places, so he actually had two or three panic attacks during the play. i tried to help bring him out of them like i do with you Rachel (except instead of hugging him i rubbed his shoulder), and he said that i didn't need to, that he usually brings himself out of them by re-reading texts that he and his girlfriend (my friend) sent each other. i feel so heartbroken for him because it seems he relies on her to validate his existence, and i don't think she has as much invested in the relationship as he does.
-and after that long and drawn out point/confession, i will complain of one more thing: corgi-chan convinced me to come to the local diner with the cast/crew, which they do after all of the shows. my 'date' and his girlfriend also went. my goodness, did i feel bad for those waitresses. can you imagine having over 50 theater people in your restaurant at midnight, all very excited from a show well done and all very hungry, wanting separate checks? i didn't even get anything (that they charge for) and i felt terrible... and it took them over an hour to get anything out though, and all most of the table wanted was water! and then only corgi-chan and i got our water, but no one else did, so she shared with the friend who she was sitting next to and i split it with the guy who sat across from me. he was nice... and wearing a panama hat. and he had really good taste in books. and could do accents quite well. though i felt so stupid, whenever he and i spoke, he would speak in an accent and i would reply in the same accent! i felt like i was mocking him! but he was nice about it.
ok, that's really everything.... oh wait! i got new curtains in my room! they match my walls!

ok, NOW i'm done i'm not. Rachel, what number was i supposed to read? i forgot T.T

Saturday, March 20, 2010

dang... now I'm the one not posting!!

HI EVERYONE!!! *waves happily*
I have good news!!!!
I GOT A SUMMER JOB!! yes, I know what you're thinking... I already have a job. but I got another! I'm going to work a few days a week at the local scuba shop, probably either in front talking to people, or in the back doing paperwork. but I'm still happy! even if I don't get payed in real money... I get 8 scubabucks an hour, which counts towards anything I want to buy in the shop or go on trips or anything. I didn't take the job to earn money, it's really just to keep me off the streets (lol).
So we finished 'program planning' on Friday. The school decided to make all the freshmen, sophomores, and juniors decide what classes they're going to do next year in the middle of this one. Oh yeah, and I'm getting emails from stores telling me about prom. I hate prom... but maybe I'll go to postprom. Especially if IVS (the scuba shop I'm going to work for) comes again and lets us to a 'discover scuba' thing in the pool. I may find myself a scuba-buddy!
But other than that, nothing really important happened. ooh, except there's a Harry Potter marathon going on right now! I LOVE HARRY POTTER!!!

oh, and I may get a facebook. well, I may have one thrust upon me. senpai decided that he would make me one and email me the username and password. but I'm not sure if that's happening...

in other news, I GOT A NEW PHONE!! AND (albeit very limited) TEXTING!!!!!! TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY, HERE I COME!!!

yeah... um...
the end!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

*pitiful whining voice* why is no one posting?!?!?!?!

I am sad. well, actually I am stressed. which I will explain later.
Rachel: how was your dentist appointment today? i missed you this morning!
Kaitlyn: i will TOTALLY cosplay with you to go see the college. when should we get together and make our costumes? *GASP!* what manga/anime/game should we cosplay from? *BIGGER GASP!* WHO SHOULD WE COSPLAY AS?!?!

Anyway, back to my and my life (wow. way to sound selfish, self.)
THE ASIANS CAME TODAY!!!!!!! yaaayyy!!!!! }--- explanation: the japanese exchange students that both Manga-dealer-chan and Chibi-chan (as well as a whole bunch of other people) are hosting arrived yesterday! so Chibi-chan and her host-sister sat at the lunch table today! it was awesome!!! though i think we may have scared her a bit...
BUT! we had cake today! someone (i shall call him... Loud. yes. Loud. not Cloud! he's not that cool. just...Loud.) was bored yesterday, so he made BROWNIE CAKE and covered it in GREEN ICING for St. Patricks day!! so yes, i actually ATE today!
Chemistry-boy and I have yet to resume our Go-fish tourney, so chemistry was boring. and I was elected Co-Author of the of the movie script in English along with goofy-creepy-monotone-boy. it should be... interesting. oh, and we have a RESEARCH PAPER in english too! JOY. and guess what? we get to write about an american author! MORE JOY. oh well... at least I get to write about Anne Rice. forget Stephanie Meyers and Twilight, Rice wrote REAL vampire fiction.
so... on to the stress. if you don't want to read a long vent, please skip this.
So guess what? in addition to having a current event that i haven't even started due in Global tomorrow and co-authoring the script for a class project, i also need to teach the Tech school's Director how to do something Biotech-related, as well as practically DO an North Penn student's science fair project for him! see, he wanted to experiment to see how silver affected bacterial growth, so he spun nanofibers of polyvinl and coated them in silver. one catch. he's not licensed to work with bacteria. if he so much as TOUCHES a petri dish, his experiment is ruined, as well as a possibility for his future (i think the first prize in the science fair's a scholarship or something...). so i not only have to make 32 plates for this boy, i also have to tell/show him STEP-BY-STEP what i'm doing. plus... he's... frankly... rather hot. and obviously smart. so i have to stop myself from stammering/blushing like an idiot while doing FRIKIN MICROBIOLOGY!! it's not fair... not fair i say. oh, and guess what? on top of all of this, i need to select my courses for next year BY THE 19TH. and my mom is making me take at least one AP course. plus that, i need 11th grade health, and a gym class for the one i'm missing this year. in addition to that, my mom signed me up to take the SAT's on May 1st, and she's already looking for places so that i can take the ACT's as well. oh, and according to both my parents, i need to start seriously looking at colleges and 'really focusing on my schoolwork' because i need to get into a prestigious university, graduate early, get and establish a career by the age of 25, and support them in their old age and early retirement. plus i got my period yesterday, so there's all that there too (they only call it PMS because 'Mad Cow Disease' was taken). oh, and as the cherry on top, my mom tells me that i need to get another job over the summer, as well as increase my hours at the library. yes, you read right. IN ADDITION to going to England for 2-and-a-half weeks with Chibi-chan, looking after the house when my mom, dad, and brother go on a 'family' vacation to Maine, and house-sitting for at least three 'family friends', i will be working during the week.
hey, anyone? how do you cope with stress? how do you make it go away? i'll try anything...

night peeps!

Friday, March 5, 2010

just a few random things... then my (interesting if i may say so myself) day

"HE'S not Hamlet either!"
"Grow mushroom grow!"
"Snowball to the rescue!!!"

Kaitlyn, you should remember these. for Rachel (and any other readers), I will explain.
Kaitlyn, Manga-dealer-chan, Chibi-chan, and a bunch of other people went to see the new Alice In Wonderland movie, by Tim Burton. it was THE DEFINITION OF EPIC. very dark, very... weird, but very awesome. for the 'Hamlet' thing, when we were watching the commercials before the movie (which were mostly for cartoons. it annoyed me), the word HAMLET came on screen. then it went to another commercial with a bunch of celebrities talking about something I can't remember. so we were saying 'nope, he's not Hamlet' 'and she's not Hamlet either!' then it flashed to some guy I can't remember and we both said "HE'S not Hamlet either!" at the exact same time! it was odd... but awesome. like the movie!
the "Grow mushroom grow!" quote is from the credits. for the major characters, the credits had this awesome border around the screen, and it had glowing mushrooms in it! and I noticed that the mushrooms were growing! so I told Kaitlyn and she clapped happily, saying "grow mushroom grow!" then we talked about the glowing and how they were magic mushrooms. but not that kind!
and the "Snowball to the rescue!!!" quote is from one of the epic battle scenes in the movie. there's a Bandersnatch in the movie, and it's big and fluffy and white-ish and awesome. so I wanted one. and told Kaitlyn. and then we decided to share it and name it Fluffy. or Snowball. we decided on Snowball and referred to it as such.

ok, so my day consisted as follows:
annoying homeroom, awesome chemistry class, typical awesome english class, boring social studies, irritatingly boring math, pretty awesome Biotech class.
so really the only out-of-the-ordinary thing was chemistry, which I normally find if not awesome... at least good. but today... (yes this is a story. bear with me.)
we were working on a review sheet, because I think we have a test on Monday or Tuesday or something. my lab partner (who is... not the most studious chemistry student on his best day) missed the day that we took the notes on which we are being tested, so I was going to work alone, in contrast to everyone else, who was working with their lab partners. well, until awesome-boy-who-sits-in-front-of-me decided to ditch his lab partner (who didn't really care) and work with me instead (yay!). he turned around and we shared my desk for a while, then he got tired of that and turned his desk around, continuing work like that. after finishing the worksheet in about 10 to 15 minutes, we were bored. so we had a staring contest (which I, regrettably, lost. see, we were talking during the contest, and I normally blink when I answer a question, so he got me there and said that the only way I could blink fast enough for him not to see it was if he was blinking at the same time), we were in the middle of another one when the teacher noticed our idleness and remarked that we should have brought a pack of cards! then his lab partner said that she had cards and lent them to us. so after debating for about three minutes about what game we should play, we decided on Go-Fish. we had a very quick game (about two minutes) at first because the cards weren't very well shuffled, but I won, so it was good ^.^ then, we had a rreeaallllyy long game (like ten minutes), which he won. so for the epic-final-sudden-death-tie-break-match, we had high-speed Go-Fish because there was only two minutes left in the period, and TIED! can you believe it? so he challenged me to another game next time we had free time. I hope I win...
anyway, that's all the interesting stuff that happened today! (plus I have to get to sleep 'cause I have work tomorrow!) see ya!
Kat 0.O

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


herro! sorry for not posting for a while, i had... stuff.
so today in English class, we decided that instead of wearing our own 'Scarlet Letters', we were going to make a remake of the book for our age group instead. of course, we had to change practically everything in the book except for the plot. so we decided:
that Hester Prynne was going to be in an abusive relationship with Dimmsdale, who is the resident smart-athletic-good-looking-popular person. Dimmsdale gives Hester a pearl (get it? you know, like Pearl in the story?) choker in the beginning of their relationship, which Hester wears everyday. because of Dimmsdale, Hester slowly goes from being an outgoing, happy, successful person to being an introvert that only interacted with who her boyfriend said she could, namely him. one day for yearbook pictures, Hester is walking up to the stage in the auditorium (because that's where pictures are taken) and trips. the necklace falls off, revealing finger marks around her throat. everyone questions her, and she, out of fear or 'love', doesn't tell anyone who is hurting her, thus alienating herself from others. Chillingworth is an ousted friend that suspects Dimmsdale is the root of the problem, and does stuff to find out. the Governor is a concerned but distracted teacher that is rather ineffective all-in-all, and leaves halfway through the school year/investigation.
my friend in English (the one with the creepygoofymonotone boyfriend who is also in the class) wants to be Hester, but is not sure that the role fits her. i agree, she seems too strong a person to be able to pull off the complete hopelessness of a victim. no matter how good her acting is. actually, i was thinking about auditioning for Hester myself. remember what i said about my comfort zone, Rachel? (it's about the size of a normal envelope, for those who weren't there), yeah, this is me stepping FAR beyond it. if i don't chicken out and not audition. make sure i do it, ok? i want to be more outgoing, even if it's just for a school project.
and guess what? WE HAVE CAREER FAIR TOMORROW! yup, that's right kids, we miss first period to dress up nice and hand uninterested potential employers copies of our 'resumes'! yaaaayyy! (can you sense the sarcasm here?) on the plus side, it gets me out of chemistry. on the minus side, it gets me out of bugging ___, who is in my chemistry class. the one who sits in front of me, Rachel. he's fun to annoy...
BUT! Dr. Dodson, my Biotech teacher, is coming! she's going to talk about her career as a scientist (pre-teaching), and said that i have to see her. of course, i would anyway, but it's nice to be TOLD to.
SCIENCE OLYMPIAD MADE 7TH!!!!! WE'RE GOING TO STATES!!!!!! it's on April 30th and i'm very excited! because i can actually GO this time... stupid Rover. forgot to give me the information for regionals... i should hit him. oh well... but Birdman got 1st place in one of his events! ornithology, of course... but he also got 4th in another event! THERE WERE 33 FRIKIN TEAMS THERE!!! AND WE GOT 7TH!!!! through no help from me, but it was still cool!
yeah... that's really all right now.
night peoples!
(i would put a heart-thingy here but blogger says it's an Html... so i'll just do this:)
Kat O.0