yes i know we're weird.
and now the moment you've been waiting for! drumroll please! *someone throws a drum at my head* or drumthrow, whatever!
Diary Entry No. 1, September 9, 2009
I'd like to say that my life is great, that I couldn't be any happier with my life.
That would be lying.
And I promised myself that I wouldn't lie in here.
If I can't say I'm happy, I'd at least like to say that I'm sad, that I'm angry and upset, that I had a terrible childhood and that no one understands me.
That would be lying too.
So here's the truth...
-I got this journal from ________ (name deleted for privacy reasons) at my birthday party on August 15th
-this is the first journal/diary entry I've ever done
-right now it is 10:26 pm (when I wrote this, it's actually about 10:10 now)
-as of now, blue is my favorite color because I like more shades of blue than of any other color. then green, then red and gray
-I refuse to take up more than 2 lines per bullet
-I turned 16 on August 23rd, alone in my house (my brother had a soccer tournament)
-I can't think of anything else to put here, so tomorrow I'll recite the story of my life, or what I remember at least
-Oh yeah, and an artist I like now is Teddy Geiger. his voice and lyrics are great. (plus he's not bad looking either)
*here I put a (crappy) picture of a butterfly wing, because that's basically all I can draw*
so that's it, the (not-so) long-anticipated first entry of my Diary/Journal
night night, everyone!