Sunday, January 10, 2010

my day today now, diary entry later

today was... epic. i got up late, played some wii, and got ready just in time to drive over to the high school. the drive wasn't too bad (my mom only shrieked once!), and then when we got there, my awesome friend (the one who inspired me to make this blog) and i met up and my mom drove us to a local diner. we had lunch, though how i managed to eat between conversation (i think it went from broccoli to MMA to lab mice to optical illusions? there was more in there, though) and laughter escapes me, and then wandered around aimlessly in the parking lot. we found kitties! i named one oscar (he was a black-and-white fluffy kitty), and senpai (which will be my awesome friend's name) named another one othello (that one was a fluffy white-with-black-splotches kitty), then we both named the last one (couldn't really see it, but it wasn't a fluffy kitty) oscarmeyer! then we discussed the Oscarmeyer Wiener song and touched our noses to things. like trees! i found a pussywillow tree! you know those dark brown stick-thingies that have the soft gray buds on them? i found one in tree form! and promptly rubbed my nose on one of them. then senpai discovered that they are pointy on the end, and it hurts to rub your nose on that part.
yes i know we're weird.

and now the moment you've been waiting for! drumroll please! *someone throws a drum at my head* or drumthrow, whatever!

Diary Entry No. 1, September 9, 2009

I'd like to say that my life is great, that I couldn't be any happier with my life.
That would be lying.
And I promised myself that I wouldn't lie in here.
If I can't say I'm happy, I'd at least like to say that I'm sad, that I'm angry and upset, that I had a terrible childhood and that no one understands me.
That would be lying too.

So here's the truth...
-I got this journal from ________ (name deleted for privacy reasons) at my birthday party on August 15th
-this is the first journal/diary entry I've ever done
-right now it is 10:26 pm (when I wrote this, it's actually about 10:10 now)
-as of now, blue is my favorite color because I like more shades of blue than of any other color. then green, then red and gray
-I refuse to take up more than 2 lines per bullet
-I turned 16 on August 23rd, alone in my house (my brother had a soccer tournament)
-I can't think of anything else to put here, so tomorrow I'll recite the story of my life, or what I remember at least

-Oh yeah, and an artist I like now is Teddy Geiger. his voice and lyrics are great. (plus he's not bad looking either)

*here I put a (crappy) picture of a butterfly wing, because that's basically all I can draw*

so that's it, the (not-so) long-anticipated first entry of my Diary/Journal

night night, everyone!

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