Tuesday, January 5, 2010

hello and welcome to... here?

Hi everyone! or at least, the few people that stumble here accidently while straying off the path to more interesting blogs...
Well, I guess I should introduce myself; I'm Kat, short for Katherine. I'm not telling you my last name because while I don't suspect in the least any of you wonderful people, there are some real creepers out there. Plus I don't want this blog coming up if anyone Googles my name. Wait, I'm actually not sure about that last part. Note to self: google name and see what comes up.
Ok back to a summary of me.
I'm in my junior year of high school, and have a part-time job at the local library. I'm currently in Honors English, Honors Chemistry, Prep Global Studies, Prep Algebra3/Trigonometry, and taking a Biotechnology class at the nearby Tech school. My parents lecture me for at least an hour if I get anything less than an A-, and I have an adorable younger brother that gets away with everything. Lately my parents, especially my mother, have been getting on my nerves, I'm guessing because the fact that I'm 16 and taller than them (well, I'm taller than my mom, my dad's 6 foot) makes them feel like they need to assert their parental authority through things such as taking my computer away from me for trivial and often imaginary reasons, and making me learn to drive my mother's manual jeep. Oh yeah, I know so many kids my age are happy to learn to drive and beg their parents to take them out, but I'm quite happy waiting at least a few days after my birthday to get my permit, and don't feel the need to amass more than 50 hours of driving in a stick-shift before I take the driving test in an automatic and never look at a manual car again. At least, not unless it could go at least 150 miles an hour and only had room for two people and a suitcase in it (I watch Top Gear, get over it).
I'm basically getting this blog for two reasons:
1- because my parents expressly told me not to
and 2- because my mother reads my paper diary
so now I'll be transferring my paper diary entries to this blog. Don't worry, there's not that many of them (I'm also very lazy), and I'll eliminate most of the pointless fluffy stuff.

feel free to comment, criticize, shriek random profanities at, etc.


in case you care...
I just googled myself. it's all good.


  1. don't eliminate the fluffy stuff! it's interesting!

    i get that you can't write in your paper diary (STUPID MOTHER), but blogs are a little more... public than diaries, so for me, it's not the best substitute.maybe i can help you find a better hiding place for paper diary? flashdrives are always a good option. :) don't stop blogging, though! i want to hear what you're thinking.

  2. yeah, but, other than you I don't think anyone I know will be reading this... and if they do, then that's their problem, not my.

    and fluff includes really personal stuff that only matters to me. and maybe you. but only because you're awesome ^.^
