Rachel: our resident tallish-compared-to-me-and-absolutely-gorgeous friend who dyed her hair red a little while ago got asked out in that 'deep philosophical manner'. and... um.... dang. i can't come up with a nickname for him. i'll tell you tomorrow, ok? remind me!
are you going to yell every time i bring senpai up now? it's... ok i guess, but NOT IN FRONT OF HIM! i know you and chibi-chan thought that he and i would be an 'absolutely adorable couple' (her words) from the second we met at your party and you have at least 4.692 schemes to get us together, but NOT THAT ONE, ok?
and i know. actually, i'm pretty ok with you being the only one reading my blog right now. and as long as i get enough generic entries between these few/the last couple, i'll tell senpai about it. maybe.
so today i was awoken by an odd slamming noise, like someone had fallen down the stairs. being the inquisitive and kind soul i am, i promptly turned over and went back to sleep. turns out it wasn't someone falling down the stairs, my dog had had a seizure. my adorable little blonde puppy that i love more than my brother HAD A SEIZURE. he's ok, nothing about his behavior changed, except he's gotten a little more persistent when asking for pets (instead of putting his head in your lap, now he puts his head and a paw in your lap and looks at you pleadingly).
on a completely different note, i gots me a mini-trampoline! the story is: a little while ago (incidentally, the day of the creation of this blog), my mom basically told me that i was fat and should stop eating. today, she told me that i was fat and should exercise, and bought me a 38-inch-diameter trampoline. lemme tell you, that thing was a PAIN to set up! so today, under threat, i bounced on my mini-trampoline for half-an-hour. i actually made a playlist on my ipod that's exactly 30 minutes long. yes, i know i'm weird.
so the other day, rachel and i were talking on the phone. somehow, we got on the topic of heaven. rachel said that heaven would probably be like everyone has their own little bubble they can control the temperature and weather in, like have it 75 degrees and snowing. then i made a comment about how that would make it hard to hug people, and that hugs would be an integral part in heaven as i thought. rachel agreed and suggested that the bubbles could be shared, like soap bubbles, and also remarked on the sheer number of people that there would be in heaven. i said that it must be crowded up there, and she laughed at my thought. then, half to myself, i muttered "And God said; let there be real estate". she found it funny, so i decided to put it up here so i wouldn't forget it. that and another thing
awkward-little-fail-pose. yes, revel in the odd mental pictures, revel in them i say! ok, so the story behind that is kinda funny. rachel and i went to the mall, and were walking from one building to another. there was this raised-platform thingy that was about 18 inches off the ground. i told rachel that i was gonna try and jump on it, and tried... and failed. i didn't raise my foot high enough, so my toe caught and i half-fell, half-skidded across the platform thingy, ending up with one leg folded under me and one over the side. i got some weird looks, let me tell you. especially from this one group of guys, the one in the middle gave me the oddest look. he had a striped hat, rectangular-framed glasses, and cherry red skinny jeans on. can't remember the shirt. so anyway, i've found that if you stay down for a second after you fall you have better coordination when you try to get up, so i stayed down for a little bit and got up, walking away with rachel. i tore a hole in my jeans T.T later, rachel and i were talking about it and she said i looked 'like a model doing a pose'. so i said under my breath something about an awkward-little-fail-pose and she (and her family) found that hilarious. so there it is. awkward-little-fail-pose.
night night!
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