Saturday, January 30, 2010

muffins=naked cupcakes

this is the SECOND edition of this post, my stupid computer froze up and deleted the first one.
so work today was... good. i worked with a new person, and she was really fun to work with. she was nice, was closer to my age than a lot of the others so we related better, and had great taste in books. and iced tea. and girl scout cookies. so the day was pretty good. oh, and i think i converted someone over to reading Anne Rice novels. her work's amazing! not quite as good as yours rachel, but still awesome in a completely different way. another story!: someone was walking their dog, and decided to come to the library en route, so they walked up to the door and had their dog sit, and then went inside. the dog sat outside the door, waiting for them! she was adorable too, a spotted Great Dane. the thing was halfway up to my thigh! (which is hip-high for normal people). her owner was really nice too, she let me pet the dog. oh, did i mention the dog was wearing a red sweater? Great Danes have short coats, and it was bitter cold out yesterday, so she had a red sweater on! it was so cute...
then, after work, my bestest friend in the whole wide world rachel invited me over to her house, so i drove over there, stopping at chibi-chan's house to drop something off. after a hours of scintillating conversation, (which consisted mainly of deep questions and squealing about boys (especially the one in my biotech class. he's 'perfect', as rachel put it), but which included the phrase 'if i were gay, i'd be gay for lilac'), my mom came to pick me up. well, she came, and wanted me to drive home. it would be the first time i drove in the dark, and i didn't want to do it. so i didn't. after about ten minutes of (attempted, but frankly suckish) persuading, my mom ripped the door to the car open, stomping around to the driver's side (i sat in the back), slammed the door closed, and drove off at a great speed. then, she (deliberately) put on a radio station i hate and gave me the silent treatment, after warning me that next time i wanted to go over to a friend's house it wasn't happening. guess i'll have to get a ride next time...
then when we got home, i went up to my room and checked my email. *sigh*, nothing. senpai was supposed to email me, but i guess he forgot... oh well. i'll see him on monday.
kk, talk later.

Friday, January 29, 2010

today was... pretty cool

did busy work in chemistry, took a nonfiction benchmark in english. i also talked about bioterrorism with the quiet monotone boy that asked my friend out. we think very similarly. social studies, i took notes, and same in math. saw senpai in the hallway after getting out of math, we talked and may be going to Zern's again this weekend to get better gummy worms. oh, i didn't post that did i? we were both thirsty, so i got us a frozen lemonade to share, but the senpai remembered that he saw gummy worms, so we went back to the place and he bought us a tub-thingy of gummy worms to share. then, he emailed me a few days later saying that we should have gotten the other gummy worms (there were two kinds). so we're talking in the hallway about one character in one of our mutual favorite books, and my english teacher walks up to us! she had seen me in the hallway, and wanted to come over to talk. she introduced herself to senpai (she shook his hand! is that a little weird to anyone else?), and said something about me being 'her' katherine. i was getting a little uncomfortable, so i said 'yeah, she likes my necklace!' because she said something about that earlier. (i have a really awesome necklace that chibi-chan got me for my birthday. it's a 5-string choker with black beads along all the strands, and a black cross hangs down from one of the strands. very cool.). senpai (who i could tell was getting a little uncomfortable too) said 'yeah, i like it too, it's pretty'. my teacher replied 'oh, but that's not the only thing i like about you, katherine.' then she went in to her room (which was right by senpai's class, so we were standing in front of it), and said told me to have a good weekend. it was incredibly awkward... i wonder what she thinks... oh, and according to a friend in senpai's class, his teacher now thinks we are dating... guess we hugged goodbye a few times too many in front of the door...
well, that's all i have to say about today... i'll post later!

oh, and i'm excited. i have a hair appointment on thursday, and my mom might be considering letting me get my hair dyed! though i've gone off the blue highlights i wanted a while ago a bit... maybe i'll just get it all a couple shades darker... what do you think?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

one word. EPIC

my feet and hands ache, my eyes hurt, my head is pounding, nearly every muscle in my body is in pain, and i can barely hear or speak. and yet, i'm happy.
yes, i just got back from the concert with otaku and her family. it was really good! first there was this australian band, called Revive, and they were awesome (and had cool accents!), then there was this dude called Robert Pierre or something, he's only 17, but his voice almost made me cry it was so good. then FireFlight came on, the lead singer changed her hair to all-blonde, but it was still amazing. though the mike didn't pick up on a lot of her vocals, so it didn't sound too good. then the NewsBoys came on, they were... interesting. then there was a break and i got a FireFlight t-shirt and a NewSong CD. oh yeah, they performed before the break too, i loved the guitarist, he was so cool!
then after the break, Tenth Avenue North came on, and i did cry then. something about hearing 'Hold My Heart', and 'By Your Side' performed live, right in front of me, made tears come to my eyes. i wiped them away before otaku could see though. then some other bands that i don't remember came on, and the preacher came up (he did a short thing in-between every band). he was telling us about how we should give up our sin, our worldly possessions, and exchange them for eternal life in heaven and our souls, and how it was like exchanging a penny for 50 dollars. then he asked everyone to bow their heads and pray with him, and i nearly cried then too, because i felt like i was the only one in the entire world that deserved to keep their sin, that i didn't deserve to go to heaven with all the wonderful people that i know.
then Third Day came on, and their music was really cool. it was kinda like a country-ish rock thing, and not many bands could pull it off, but they did. then, when they were done, they said the most beautiful prayer about how they know some people came to the concert with problems, some came with broken hearts, but they wanted it to be a sanctuary from those problems, even for a few hours. they talked about their lives before God, and how once they put their faith in Him, they found peace. then they (and everyone in the crowd) sung a beautiful hymn, and i cried again. i felt like they were speaking to everyone that was Christian, everyone that knew God. everyone that wasn't me...
but the music was absolutely amazing, so it was all good!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

yeah, the last few days are... negligible. nothing really important happened, except senpai is now visiting us in the mornings, giving chibi-chan and rachel to go 'aww' much more often. oh, and my mom found out that i accidentally took my pocket knife to school today. i now have no pocket knife, and my ears are still ringing from the 'lecture' (aka yelling)

why am i so sad?
actually, i'm not just sad. i'm sad, i'm angry, i'm disappointed, i'm depressed, i'm sick, i'm shivering, i'm ashamed. and the list goes on...
i can't get rid of this feeling. reading won't make it go away, music intensifies it. eating until i throw up does nothing, exercising made me sick. and crying only makes me want to cry more...

and what triggered this pathetic pity-fest? what, do you ask, prompted such dramatic sorrow?
senpai can't come to the concert.
yup, that's it.
the whole reason behind my pathetic sadness is that i'm disappointed he can't come. it's not even like he didn't want to go, his parents scheduled something different that he has to go to.
but still, this afternoon when he hugged me goodbye, i nearly broke.
i'm so weak...

maybe if i stopped eating it would take it away... or if i took some sleeping medication to take myself away from it...

i'm gonna go read 'life's challenges', in my blog list. it usually makes me feel better...

Monday, January 25, 2010

whoopsie! sorry about not posting!

wow, i just realized i totally bailed on my 'i'll update later' thing. sorry loyal readers!! (and by 'loyal readers', i mean 'loyal reader', which translates to 'Rachel')
yeah, so sunday was... ok. i did homework and was forced to drive to this shoe store near Zern's, which turned out to be closed. then it started raining, and i drove home IN THE RAIN for the first time in my life. oh, and some (really wish i could use a meaner word...) jerk was like 8 inches behind me for the ENTIRE way home. jerkyjerk mcjerkason GRR! (rachel, be proud of me... i try to keep this blog PG...)
TODAY: i had a normal day at school. someone did a presentation on Eric Clapton in english, and got me hooked on his music, especially 'Layla', the acoustic version. it's... epic. old, but epic. except all limewire has is the stupid live version! grrr, i hate live versions! i have no desire to listen to people clapping over the song i wanted to download...
biotech was fun though, we're prepping for an ELISA experiment, which tests if a patient has the antibodies to a specific antigen, and is used primarily for HIV testing today. don't worry, we're doing a simulated experiment, no HIV in our lab, we're just a BioSafety level 1! (they go up to 4)
then, after school, i went to youth group with rachel again. rachel said she was 'proud' of me, but i don't know why... i acted basically the same as i always do whenever i go with her (hiding in a corner).
on a more positive note, I'M GOING TO A CONCERT ON THURSDAY!!! it's a Winter Jam Christian Rock concert, which is basically the only type of concert i've ever been to, but still! i'm excited! and i'm going to ask senpai if he wants to come (i hope he does!). though he hasn't been answering my emails lately, and he wasn't in school today. he did mention something about meeting with an army recruiter though... (can you tell i like the word 'though'?)
yeah... i'm done
i'll try to do another post soon! post comments!
-Kat X3

Sunday, January 24, 2010

i'm just gonna put yesterday and today in the same post...

Rachel: WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING?!?!?! what did i do?!

i went to work, which was boring and not fun. then, i went home and ate food (work is from 10 to 2, so i eat lunch late on Saturdays). at 4, i went over to otaku's house and we, along with chibi-chan and her youth group (and rachel of course!) went to see a movie. The movie was called 'To Save A Life' and was... ok. it was about this guy and how his childhood friend, who he abandoned for a girl, brought a gun to school and committed suicide. see, his friend walked with a limp because he pushed the protagonist out of the way of a car when they were little, and everyone made fun of him because of it. alone, the kid lost sight of himself and the world, and decided that it would be better to end his unending pain, so one day, he brought a gun to school, fired two shots into the ceiling, and then blew his brains out. the protagonist was, admittedly, rather upset by this (he tried to convince his former friend to put the gun down before he saw the contents of his skull). he met a preacher/youth group officer at at his friend's funeral, and started going to church, thus alienating himself from his 'friends'. he starts reaching out to the people in the youth group, sitting with them at lunch and bringing in other people that need help, when his life basically falls apart. he finds out that his father's cheating scum and his parents are getting a divorce, plus the fact that his (sort of ex-) girlfriend is pregnant with his baby and wants an abortion. the protagonist then has the critical cathartic moment included in every coming-of-age story, and brings his life back together, coming to terms with his parents and convincing his girlfriend to have the baby, supporting her through the pregnancy and putting the baby up for adoption.
the story was pretty good, and the acting was... ok. there was really only one character i really liked, an extremely asian actor playing a boy called (get this) Jonny Garcia. yes, they made the asian kid spanish. Jonny has a pretty screwed-up life, he likes video games and gets mercilessly made fun of because of it. he also hates the school, and draws some pictures of it blowing up. because of that, he gets blamed for a bomb threat in the school and tries to swallow a handful of pills, but the protagonist stops the cops from taking him away and shows them the real threat, another messed-up kid crying out for attention because he wants love. Jonny also like bacon bits on his strawberry ice cream, which, in my book, is awesome. oh, and he asks this girl out in a really cool way. he rings her doorbell, and puts a potted plant frozen in a block of ice and hammer on her doorstep, then hides. when she pulls open the door and gets the flowers out, he steps out from behind a bush and reads off a card 'now that we've broken the ice, will you go out with me?' how awesome is that? (and rachel, if you tell senpai about this, i will know and i will kick you. i'd rather him do the flower thing i mentioned in a previous post!)
yeah, so that was basically it. oh, and there was a good song at the end of the movie, called 'Hero' by Superchick. actually, that song basically tells the story of the movie.
ok, i'll edit this about my day today later. byes!

Friday, January 22, 2010

describing my day

today was... good. it was a friday, so everyone was just that bit more laid-back than they usually are. chem: took notes on acids and bases. english: took a hearing test (i think i got a A!) and read 'Fall of the House of Usher'. social studies: watched other people present their current events. math: notes. after i got out early of math for tech-lunch, i saw senpai and we talked for a while. then he had to go back to his class T.T though apparently i smell nice...
after school: (yes rachel, just for you, i will be describing everything as clearly as i remember)
senpai and i had made plans to go to Zern's, a local farmers' market/everything store (senpai had never been there). so at around 7 o'clock, my dad and i left to go to senpai's house and pick him up. the ride over was... awkward to say the least. my dad kept grilling me about senpai, and i couldn't answer some of the questions (i mean, how am i supposed to know how long he's lived here and what his parents do?). but then once senpai was in the car and we all were headed to Zern's it was ok. as per the usual for my parents, my dad started talking to senpai and completely ignoring me. senpai, being the awesome person he is, tried to include me in the conversation (which went from describing Zern's to swords to action movies to CSI), and i was ok with it. then something weird happened. senpai, who only has met my dad once before, asked if he had any problem with tattoos (is this weird, or is it just me?). then he and my dad talked about tattoos for a while.
when we got there, my dad just let us explore, so we went to a pet shop. there was a basset hound puppy in there! it was sad-eyed and wrinkly and tripped on its ears! we fell in love... but it was $399.95, and together we had $25. so we left the puppy and found shiny things, you know those metal spinners that flash in the light? yeah, those were cool... after a while we got bored and wandered around for a while. then, when we were admiring some metalwork stars, a man with a beard walked past us and senpai started talking about how he should grow a beard. i asked why and he said he was too lazy to shave, plus (i think this was joking) when he hugged me it would 'tickle'. i said it wouldn't 'tickle', it would hurt! then i muttered something about never really being attracted to guys with facial hair, even people on tv. then he hugged me and said that he would stay clean-shaven for me! how sweet.
we were bored again, and the weird confessions were over, so we went to rachel's favorite: the antique place that has all the cool hats. we found hats and put them on (ourselves and each other) and took pictures. i found a bonnet! a black velvet bonnet! with lace! (don't worry rachel, senpai made me get the picture, so there's evidence that i did, in fact, look feminine. momentarily.)
then we were thirsty, so i showed him this place where you can get lemonade slushies and we got one. they were kinda expensive though, so we shared. then senpai remembered seeing gummy worms, so we went back to the store that sold them and bought a tupperware container to share. then it was almost time to go, so we went back to the jeep and talked nearly all the way back to senpai's house. we were both sad he had to go, so i gave him a big hug goodbye and he hugged me really tight back. i could swear he whispered something in my ear, but i'm not sure what he said or even if he did...
oh well. i had the time of my life and i think i can reliably say that senpai enjoyed himself too...

that enough detail rachel? i'm lending him my camera on monday so you can see the pictures on facebook, ok?
see ya

Thursday, January 21, 2010

lists, awkwardness, and opportunities for Rachel to 'awww'

Rachel: don't worry i'll send it to you! (one of the benefits of being friends with the only one who reads my blog...). and thank you, nice to have my nerdiness appreciated ^.^ i got yelled at for 'leaving screws on the floor'. out of about 50 screws, i left maybe 6 on the floor. sorry, mother.
oh, and i found a really great song, The Road I'm On by 3 Doors Down, it really reminds me of you when you and i talk about things that i'm not going to mention on here.

i am both happy and sad right now. to illustrate, i shall make a list!
Reasons I am Happy:
i finished mah homework!
i'm watching Iron Chef America right now (love this show!)
i had ice cream!

Reasons I am Sad:
i have a stupid song stuck in my head
i have a project on a book i'm half done due tomorrow (don't worry though, it's just a presentation)
my mom is jealous of my chest size (she admitted to it)

and, just for you Rachel,
Senpai-Related Reasons I am Happy:
he said my necklace was pretty today!
we're emailing as i post this
i got a (his words) 'biiig hug' today
we're hanging out tomorrow! (he's *gasp!* never been to Zern's!)

yeah... that's all i'm gonna write for now

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


today i realized that i talk more to my dog than i do to my family. kinda sad, right? don't worry, that's not the worst of it. i just took a fax machine apart. yes, you read right, a fax machine. i had two different sizes of screwdrivers, a pair of pliers, and a pair of wire cutters. took me 45 minutes to get that thing in at least twenty pieces. i swear, there must have been 50 screws! and some of them were fused to the metal, so i had to pry them out to separate the two. why do i do this you ask? because my dad found a fax machine in our attic, and decided to try and fax something tonight. i didn't work, and he said he was gonna throw it away, so i just kinda took it and sat down in the middle of the living room taking it apart. also, i found the most awesome pic the other day, here it is:
isn't it awesome? it's only funny if you've read Lord of the Rings though... but then it's only funny to nerds like me, so it's all good!
ok, i have nothing more to say.
see ya peeps!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

i saw a greyhound with a sweater on today! it was so cute!!

AND! i had nerd-club-to-the-power-of-ten today, so that was fun. and i didn't have to bounce on that stupid trampoline today, so all was good.
guess what! i have an english project due on friday! guess what else! i haven't finished the book yet! all we have to do is a 'visual representation' of the person our book's about (we had to read a memoir or biography), so imma gonna dress up like a gangster and give a presentation! (my books about the philly mafia).
i feel like i said this before... ah well, i have a short attention span anyway.
hmmmm.... what else to say... oh yeah! rachel don't be sad! be happy! like me! (wow, normally i'm the emo one and you're the one comforting me) what can i do to make you feel better? short of killing someone/hurting a book, i'll do anything! just SMILE! like this! XD or even like this-> X)

oh well, i forgot what i was gonna tell you about my day anyway.
nighty night!

Monday, January 18, 2010


yes, MLK and i are on first-name-terms. be jealous! XP

Rachel: our resident tallish-compared-to-me-and-absolutely-gorgeous friend who dyed her hair red a little while ago got asked out in that 'deep philosophical manner'. and... um.... dang. i can't come up with a nickname for him. i'll tell you tomorrow, ok? remind me!
are you going to yell every time i bring senpai up now? it's... ok i guess, but NOT IN FRONT OF HIM! i know you and chibi-chan thought that he and i would be an 'absolutely adorable couple' (her words) from the second we met at your party and you have at least 4.692 schemes to get us together, but NOT THAT ONE, ok?
and i know. actually, i'm pretty ok with you being the only one reading my blog right now. and as long as i get enough generic entries between these few/the last couple, i'll tell senpai about it. maybe.

so today i was awoken by an odd slamming noise, like someone had fallen down the stairs. being the inquisitive and kind soul i am, i promptly turned over and went back to sleep. turns out it wasn't someone falling down the stairs, my dog had had a seizure. my adorable little blonde puppy that i love more than my brother HAD A SEIZURE. he's ok, nothing about his behavior changed, except he's gotten a little more persistent when asking for pets (instead of putting his head in your lap, now he puts his head and a paw in your lap and looks at you pleadingly).
on a completely different note, i gots me a mini-trampoline! the story is: a little while ago (incidentally, the day of the creation of this blog), my mom basically told me that i was fat and should stop eating. today, she told me that i was fat and should exercise, and bought me a 38-inch-diameter trampoline. lemme tell you, that thing was a PAIN to set up! so today, under threat, i bounced on my mini-trampoline for half-an-hour. i actually made a playlist on my ipod that's exactly 30 minutes long. yes, i know i'm weird.
so the other day, rachel and i were talking on the phone. somehow, we got on the topic of heaven. rachel said that heaven would probably be like everyone has their own little bubble they can control the temperature and weather in, like have it 75 degrees and snowing. then i made a comment about how that would make it hard to hug people, and that hugs would be an integral part in heaven as i thought. rachel agreed and suggested that the bubbles could be shared, like soap bubbles, and also remarked on the sheer number of people that there would be in heaven. i said that it must be crowded up there, and she laughed at my thought. then, half to myself, i muttered "And God said; let there be real estate". she found it funny, so i decided to put it up here so i wouldn't forget it. that and another thing
awkward-little-fail-pose. yes, revel in the odd mental pictures, revel in them i say! ok, so the story behind that is kinda funny. rachel and i went to the mall, and were walking from one building to another. there was this raised-platform thingy that was about 18 inches off the ground. i told rachel that i was gonna try and jump on it, and tried... and failed. i didn't raise my foot high enough, so my toe caught and i half-fell, half-skidded across the platform thingy, ending up with one leg folded under me and one over the side. i got some weird looks, let me tell you. especially from this one group of guys, the one in the middle gave me the oddest look. he had a striped hat, rectangular-framed glasses, and cherry red skinny jeans on. can't remember the shirt. so anyway, i've found that if you stay down for a second after you fall you have better coordination when you try to get up, so i stayed down for a little bit and got up, walking away with rachel. i tore a hole in my jeans T.T later, rachel and i were talking about it and she said i looked 'like a model doing a pose'. so i said under my breath something about an awkward-little-fail-pose and she (and her family) found that hilarious. so there it is. awkward-little-fail-pose.

night night!

hey guess what?! i'll tell you later

wow rachel. i think we ARE mind-twins. i thought 'otaku' too!
henceforth, person-that-i-haven't-come-up-with-a-nickname-for/___ shall be 'Otaku'

today was... meh. as you can see in my former post, i got up late and was very happy. then my mom made me get up and clean my room, and then i 'edited' (ie; did) my brother's science paper for him. i found a pair of old jeans in my closet that i couldn't wear anymore (they had a huge hole in the inside of one of the legs), and took them apart for the denim. maybe i'll make a pillow or something tomorrow... then, since i had the sewing kit out, i mended my socks that had holes in them and the sleeve of one of my shirts. yes, i know. i'll make a good wife someday. i've been told that. just because i cook, clean, and sew doesn't mean that i'm gonna start wearing pastel print skirts and pearls though! i am NO stepford wife! (saw the movie a while ago. it scared me.)
speaking of times long past, i was reading something the other day, about flower meanings. did you know that in the time before email and texting (le gasp! i thought the internet arrived with Jesus!), lovers would send elaborately coded messages to each other through bouquets? each flower has a different meaning, with even different colors of the same flower meaning different things. if you look up 'flower meanings' in google, the second website that shows up is really good. though they have some strange flowers there, like cloves. and cinnamon.
but yeah. in my opinion, too many beautiful things have been ousted by convenience and habit. i know roses are beautiful, but instead of buying a bouquet from the grocery store, isn't there something special in selecting flowers for their meaning, and not simply their aesthetic appeal? i actually have a new dream; that someone (preferably a guy) would take the time to pick a flower or two, and send me a message through that way, instead of emailing or calling me. that, or i'd love to open my locker one day and find a single red tulip, or a red chrysanthemum, or an apricot blossom, or gardenia, or... well, anything (you can look up the meanings on the flower meaning page i said earlier), with a simple note tied to it. the note could be 'i like pie' for all i care, but i think i would literally fall for anyone that did that for me.
"I believe that along with curses, come blessings. I know I have my fair share of curses, but I know I have blessings too. I think blessings of people, you know, like friends, family, love; those are the best. Will you be my blessing?"
that is honestly how a friend of mine got asked to prom. well, not word-for-word, per say, but that's the gist of it. and i got... well, i'm not sure if he even asked me to prom. i was complaining about how my mom found me a prom date without my permission and i didn't know the guy and everything over email, and he replied "i'd ask u to prom so u don't have to go with what's his face, but idk when it is. When is it anyway?" (and yes, it is word-for-word from the email). what do you think rachel? and even though i doubt anyone else reads this, if you do and you're not rachel, what to you think?
anyway, i should probably go. i'm supposed to be off the internet by 10:30!

Oh and the 'i'll tell you later' thing.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

wow... i haven't posted in a while...

sorry peeps! (and by peeps i mean rachel!) ok, so here's an update:
Friday: took the chem test, showed up in english (it was a lab day, but since i go to tech they have my lab, which continues into second period, in my english class once every 6 days) because i was done early, and learned about our independent reading project. we have to read a memoir/biography/autobiography and then do a 'visible representation' of the book. i, being me, picked a book on the rise and fall of the philadelphia mafia, and, since i suck at posters, am going to dress up as a gangster and give a presentation. (here's my mafia outfit: black shoes, black dress pants, a black or white dress shirt with a black vest and red tie, and a black suit-jacket. oh, and my black fedora. mobster-enough?) social studies was... meh. had a test, finished it in 10 minutes, zoned out. math we had a sub, so i just did busy-work. finished that in 5 minutes, and zoned out for the rest of the period, or at least until 11:15, which is when i get out to go to the special lunch afternoon-tech people get. well, there was one good thing about friday. Senpai and i figured out that if he gets a pass to get a drink or go to the bathroom or something from his class, we can meet up in the hallway! so i, still zoned-out, turned a corner into the hallway where my locker is and nearly ran into him! he laughed at me... but then we talked while i got my stuff from my locker and all was good. i'm sad though...he's on a missions trip in pittsburgh now, and i can't email him! T.T (we exchanged... *goes and looks* 140 emails in the 4 days up until his trip. and now it's down to 0...) he did say he'd call me so i knew he didn't break his neck (and to, in his words, 'check up' on me), but rachel told me he's really bad at remembering that kinda thing, so i'm not expecting much...
Friday night was nice, rachel, chibi-chan, and person-i-haven't-come-up-with-a-nickname-for, and i all went to manga-dealer's house for her birthday party! 'twas very fun... we played ping-pong, attempted to play trivial pursuit and ended up playing apples to apples, then ate cake and watched Michio Kaku prove that lightsabers were possible on the Sci-Fi channel. then we watched music videos and saw the extraordinarily creepy guy on american idol (the one with fake-emo glasses. if you don't know who i'm talking about, you didn't see him). i was sleepy and had to go to work on saturday, so i went upstairs and went to sleep.
Saturday: was ok. after getting woken up by chibi-chan's alarm at 6:41, we all went downstairs and had bacon and pancakes. mmmmmm... bacon. then i went to work and ate double-stuf oreos that were left in the back room in-between fielding phone calls and carrying books people donated. though i did check out Magic Eye. it's a book of computer-generated images that, when you look at it the right way, reveal a 3D picture. i told senpai about it when we had lunch, and he'd never heard of it, so i got it for him. hope he likes it! then i went home and ate a bagel, and played Wii with my crippled little brother (well, he's not crippled, per se, but he fractured his wrist and he's acting like he broke both his legs too). then we got chinese take-out from the restaurant down the street and i ate MORE. my brother fails at chopsticks... it was kinda funny watching... at least, until he threw them at me.
Today: i woke up at 8 and promptly fell back asleep until 9. then i read my 1 new email (from barnes and nobles), and then read manga until i remembered that yes, i do have a blog! so i did this post.

hee, it's raining. i love the rain...
AND! we have no school tomorrow!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

generic post title

response to rachel: i agree. my dad wanted me to come because it pertained to me, and so my parents could make me feel guilty about wanting to go to a 'fancy' college.
please remind me to NEVER tell senpai about this blog.

so today was... ok. had a chem test that was supposed to be tomorrow postponed 'til friday, had a test in english to see how far we were in our outside reading books, social studies notes, and learning about 'angle of depression' in math. oh, that reminds me. i have homework to do. ah well, i guess i'll do it in english tomorrow. biotech was normal too, we took a student survey about how we're liking the school and everything, then did safety presentations. my topic was 'lab safety and personal hygiene' which is basically your habits. no smoking, chewing gum, adjusting contacts, eating, drinking, or applying cosmetics in the lab! my topic next week is even better; pressure hazards and the dangers of UV light! whoo. basically, there are different things in the lab that deal with low or high pressure. you should always wear protective equipment (safety goggles, that stuff) when working with anything that involves pressure. the most high-pressured thing in most labs is the autoclave, which is basically a pressurized steam-cooker that sterilizes things by killing all the bacteria/mold spores in/on them. UV light is the wavelength of radiation between the visible spectrum and x-rays, and comes in a variety of wavelengths, from 180 nanometers to about 500. the short ones are the dangerous ones, they can give you skin cancer and damage your skin and eyes within a matter of minutes. UV light is sometimes used to sterilize things that can't be autoclaved, like safety goggles, but is something that everyone should be made aware of and cautious around. NO ONE is immune to radiation! not even Spiderman! or...Train! make sure your man doesn't go near the stuff, Rachel!

on a completely different note, i have the most awesome song stuck in my head: The Crow & the Butterfly by Shinedown. that guy's voice is honestly one of the best i've ever heard. when he sings the chorus, i could just melt...

ok, randomness and warning you about obscure laboratory hazards all done, night peoples!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

once more: my day, then my diary

response to rachel: don't worry rachel! when lilac gives him back i'll introduce him to you! and i was fine at youth group, i didn't feel pressured at all! just... kinda out of it, i guess. but it wasn't you! it was me! i liked going with you!

today was... blah. normal day at school, had an english test that no one studied for. gave out brownies that i made the night before because i was bored. recieved reviews for said brownies. sorry i couldn't give you one rachel!! biotech was normal too, we talked about safety (just starting the lab course) and finished 'Living Proof'. good movie, for a Lifetime flick. then i went to Science Olympiad, which is like nerd-club-to-a-power-of-ten. i swear, whenever i think of the combined IQs of the people in that room (there's like 15 of them) a quote comes to mind. "IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAAANNNDDD!!!!!" (if you can tell me where that's from, you win a cookie. a cyber-cookie!) then i went home for like two hours, then my dad dragged me BACK TO SCHOOL for some financial-aid thing for colleges. apparently there's a LOT of paperwork involved.
yeah... so, that was my day.

Final Diary Entry (No. 3) 9/20/09 (Sunday)

I know it's been a long time since I've written, so I'm going to write about the present for a while before I write about the past.
Rachel (one of my best friends) had her 16th birthday party on Friday (a little late, her birthday's a week after mine). It was in her backyard and beaucoup de gens (lotsa people) came.
_____ (not gonna put her name and haven't thought of a nickname yet)
and some other people i haven't thought of nicknames for yet. and rachel of course. and senpai.
we (ie. me and senpai) really hit it off, he likes the same kind of music i do and he, lilac, chibi-chan, and _____ (still no nickname!) were really the only people I talked to, rachel was so busy! as of now, he's (gasp!) never seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail! (FYI, i practically memorized it!) also, his last name is pronounced special, so it sounds japanese! he disagrees with me. he does want to learn japanese though... he listens to anime music! and jpop and jrock and normal rock too! i think i'm in love!!! (just kidding rachel no ideas!)
Hee, chibi-chan compared him to Voldemort! he was sad, but then I added that he looked more like Tom Riddle and chibi-chan said that actually without the makeup, the actor that plays Voldemort is, in her words, 'frikin hot'. then he was happy and gave her a hug. (i wanted a hug too... have you ever noticed how awkward it is to be near two people hugging? it's like, one second you're in a conversation with someone, and the next you're looking at their back.)
Ok, now into the deeper part.
well, i'm gonna leave it out, actually. it's a little personal. suffice to know that my first love was my next-door-neighbor, and that now i'm pretty much over him. it was too awkward between us... and especially now that i talk to his parents more than i talk to him! he does have an awesome car though... 3rd generation yellow camaro. epicness in vehicular form.

ok, that was the last of my fluffy diary entries, now you'll just get updates on my day and random thoughts.
night peeps!

Monday, January 11, 2010

short synopsis of my day, then uber-long diary entry

today was... good. I had a normal day at school (chem lab, english discussion, social studies notes, and math test), except my biotech teacher was sick today, so we watched 'Living Proof' in class. the sub was really creepy, but the movie was good (for a Lifetime movie), and actually contained some relevant facts (it's about breast cancer, and a new antibody-based drug, Herceptin, that treats it). I went to youth group with rachel at like 7, and got back at like 9. it was... ok. i'm not religious under any classification, so all the stuff about God and Jesus was odd to me. i dunno, maybe people's absolute faith in a being that may or may not exist is just alien to me.

Ok so here's my (longest) diary entry No. 2

Here's some more about me as of now
  • as of now, i'm 16, 5'9", and just got my driving permit. i have curly/frizzy brown hair, and hazel eyes. i wear contacts most of the time, but i still have my glasses
  • (this would be where i live, but i'm not saying that here!)
  • I am in 11th grade at _________ ______ High School
  • I used to live at _____(insert old address here)___, but we moved in June or July of the summer right before I entered middle school (6th grade)
  • I have two dogs, Tucker, an 18-month-old (now he's 2) yellow lab puppy, and Lexi, a 10-year-old chocolate lab. Before Tucker, we had a black lab called Bear, who died at 14 of pneumonia. Before Bear and Lexi (we had them at the same time), we had another black lab called Tojo, who died in her sleep of a heart-thingy. Before her, we had Rex, a golden retriever who had to be put down at 16. I remember whenever the ice-cream truck came (i lived in a development before), i would sit on the porch steps and he would eat it! (I was like 3-5 at the time). before Rex, we had Bo. I can't remember much of him, but he was a chubby little black lab who ran away at a friend's farm when i was really little. I remember I used to call him 'Bo-Bo'
  • I also have 1 cat. well technically he's my brother's cat. whatever, he's called blackjack (guess what color he is?) and is deceptively soft and cuddly. he's a bird-eater and likes to leave little piles of brightly-colored feathers around.
  • My first 'crush' was when i was about 9-10. I'm not saying his name, but I don't think he liked me at all...
  • horses used to be my favorite animal, but now i don't know. i guess all animals have their good and bad
  • I don't really have a religion. well, i believe everything has a soul, but i'm not sure about the whole 'Almighty God, who art in Heaven' thing. I guess I envy people's faith, their capacity to believe... (and yes, I actually wrote this in my diary)
  • i have a weekend job that i got in 8th grade, working from 10am to 2pm at the local library. I get payed minimum wage, $7.15 an hour until August, when it went up to $7.25 an hour.
  • (I put my school schedule here, but it's stupid and i think i already put it somewhere on this blog...)
  • I doubt I will ever read this again. (ha! proved you wrong, past-me!)
  • Junior year will be hard (trust me, past-me, it is)
  • my throat hurts. so does my nose.
  • I have a stolen/borrowed stuffed microfiber otter from Rover (not his real name, but not sure what else i should call him. so his name shall be Rover.), whom i consider a friend (even though he's mean sometimes). It was given to him by his girlfriend of 1 year, Lilac (again, not her real name), whom i introduced him to, and was named Ka-Frodo by both Lilac and I. the otter has two different-sized eyes, and she and i were watching Lord of the Rings when we noticed that Elijah Wood also had two different-sized eyes. that, plus the fact that Rover has gotten into the habit of saying 'ka-' before everything he says, equals Ka-Frodo!
well, night everyone!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

my day today now, diary entry later

today was... epic. i got up late, played some wii, and got ready just in time to drive over to the high school. the drive wasn't too bad (my mom only shrieked once!), and then when we got there, my awesome friend (the one who inspired me to make this blog) and i met up and my mom drove us to a local diner. we had lunch, though how i managed to eat between conversation (i think it went from broccoli to MMA to lab mice to optical illusions? there was more in there, though) and laughter escapes me, and then wandered around aimlessly in the parking lot. we found kitties! i named one oscar (he was a black-and-white fluffy kitty), and senpai (which will be my awesome friend's name) named another one othello (that one was a fluffy white-with-black-splotches kitty), then we both named the last one (couldn't really see it, but it wasn't a fluffy kitty) oscarmeyer! then we discussed the Oscarmeyer Wiener song and touched our noses to things. like trees! i found a pussywillow tree! you know those dark brown stick-thingies that have the soft gray buds on them? i found one in tree form! and promptly rubbed my nose on one of them. then senpai discovered that they are pointy on the end, and it hurts to rub your nose on that part.
yes i know we're weird.

and now the moment you've been waiting for! drumroll please! *someone throws a drum at my head* or drumthrow, whatever!

Diary Entry No. 1, September 9, 2009

I'd like to say that my life is great, that I couldn't be any happier with my life.
That would be lying.
And I promised myself that I wouldn't lie in here.
If I can't say I'm happy, I'd at least like to say that I'm sad, that I'm angry and upset, that I had a terrible childhood and that no one understands me.
That would be lying too.

So here's the truth...
-I got this journal from ________ (name deleted for privacy reasons) at my birthday party on August 15th
-this is the first journal/diary entry I've ever done
-right now it is 10:26 pm (when I wrote this, it's actually about 10:10 now)
-as of now, blue is my favorite color because I like more shades of blue than of any other color. then green, then red and gray
-I refuse to take up more than 2 lines per bullet
-I turned 16 on August 23rd, alone in my house (my brother had a soccer tournament)
-I can't think of anything else to put here, so tomorrow I'll recite the story of my life, or what I remember at least

-Oh yeah, and an artist I like now is Teddy Geiger. his voice and lyrics are great. (plus he's not bad looking either)

*here I put a (crappy) picture of a butterfly wing, because that's basically all I can draw*

so that's it, the (not-so) long-anticipated first entry of my Diary/Journal

night night, everyone!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

gah... too much homework... *dies*

*see above*

so I will be posting fluffy diary entry No 1 tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

intro to/warning about my fluffy diary entries

I got a diary for my 16th birthday from one of my fabulous friends, and, being me, decided to make the first three entries an introduction of the present me to a future me. Unfortunately, that's basically as far as I got before my mom attempted to make an offhanded comment about something she could only have found out in my diary. I caught on, and stopped writing in it. Then, when I was exchanging email addresses with another awesome friend, he asked me if I had a blog. So I stole Rachel's idea and made a blog of my own.
I'm just warning you, the 'information' that I attempted to present to myself was originally only for myself, and for myself only. (If you keep reading and I keep writing, you'll find that I like restating myself in different ways for dramatic effect. C'mon, you have to admit that was awesome.)
grrr stupid english-class boy! We're learning about Thomas Paine's speech-thingy in english (the 'official' name of the course is 'American Literature'), and that stupid boy giggled to himself and said under his breath 'and now I have Pain by Three Days Grace in my head'. THE STUPID BOY PUT IT IN MY HEAD!!! AND IT'S STILL THERE!!!! and you know what sucks? I was the only one that heard him! ...tomorrow I should sneak up behind him and slap him upside his stupid Three Days Grace-loving head!
(you'll also find that i can be quite random and sometimes violent. but not in real life. i don't like to slap people, i sneak up behind them and kick their knees out from under them. much more entertaining...)
so anyway, I'm probably gonna start uploading my diary entries sans people's names and things that only matter to me. also I'm getting rid of anything very personal that I don't want to share with complete strangers who don't even know my last name. of course, it is often easier to reveal oneself to the unjudging eyes of a complete stranger. oh, to spill one's soul and be able to walk away from any consequences that may follow! maybe that's why airplanes are often the most emotion-packed places a person can be. unless it's a nightflight, then everyone's asleep. except me, I never sleep on planes. I just like to open the plastic shutter on the double-paned plexiglass window and look out, leaning my cheek against the coldness of the sky above the clouds. the moon and stars shine so brightly off the tops of the clouds, and makes the entire world look like it's made out of silver cotton. and when the clouds break, it's like looking down an infinitely deep hole onto a world completely different from your own, a world permanently rooted to the ground, a world held captive by gravity.

ok, my poetic streak (if you could call it one) is over, and so is my creativity.
night night peoples!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

hello and welcome to... here?

Hi everyone! or at least, the few people that stumble here accidently while straying off the path to more interesting blogs...
Well, I guess I should introduce myself; I'm Kat, short for Katherine. I'm not telling you my last name because while I don't suspect in the least any of you wonderful people, there are some real creepers out there. Plus I don't want this blog coming up if anyone Googles my name. Wait, I'm actually not sure about that last part. Note to self: google name and see what comes up.
Ok back to a summary of me.
I'm in my junior year of high school, and have a part-time job at the local library. I'm currently in Honors English, Honors Chemistry, Prep Global Studies, Prep Algebra3/Trigonometry, and taking a Biotechnology class at the nearby Tech school. My parents lecture me for at least an hour if I get anything less than an A-, and I have an adorable younger brother that gets away with everything. Lately my parents, especially my mother, have been getting on my nerves, I'm guessing because the fact that I'm 16 and taller than them (well, I'm taller than my mom, my dad's 6 foot) makes them feel like they need to assert their parental authority through things such as taking my computer away from me for trivial and often imaginary reasons, and making me learn to drive my mother's manual jeep. Oh yeah, I know so many kids my age are happy to learn to drive and beg their parents to take them out, but I'm quite happy waiting at least a few days after my birthday to get my permit, and don't feel the need to amass more than 50 hours of driving in a stick-shift before I take the driving test in an automatic and never look at a manual car again. At least, not unless it could go at least 150 miles an hour and only had room for two people and a suitcase in it (I watch Top Gear, get over it).
I'm basically getting this blog for two reasons:
1- because my parents expressly told me not to
and 2- because my mother reads my paper diary
so now I'll be transferring my paper diary entries to this blog. Don't worry, there's not that many of them (I'm also very lazy), and I'll eliminate most of the pointless fluffy stuff.

feel free to comment, criticize, shriek random profanities at, etc.


in case you care...
I just googled myself. it's all good.