Thursday, April 29, 2010

yeah... the past week has been....... yeah.

I was right in a previous post. this week WAS hellish. just... not in the way i thought.
but i'm not gonna talk about that right now. the first half of this post is for happy (-ish) things!
so chibi-chan's holding an anti-prom party on saturday night, and we have to dress 'nice'. i don't know how 'nice' to dress. help please?
then we're going to post-prom after, so it should be fun. prom=spending rather exorbitant amounts of money to feel like a third wheel, post prom=spending NO money to feel like a third wheel and hang out with other third wheels.
and yes Kaitlyn, it IS yay that i got my stitches out. it didn't hurt (except when the one that scabbed over was unceremoniously pulled out), it just felt...weird. instead of thread, they used fishing line-like stuff to sew me up, so it was just a pulling feeling.
ummmmmm *searching for more good stuff*
oh yeah! i found a silly band on the floor the other day. you know, those shaped rubber bands? i found a pear! though people think it's a whale.....
oh, and LAST SECTION OF PSSAs IS OVER!!!!!!!! except the writing one that i have to make up. but that doesn't count. my last pssa ever!!!!!
and my biotech final was not as bad as i thought it would be. not sure if that's a good or a bad sign... but apparently my entire class relies on me to know everything so they can ask me questions that they don't know.

as for the in between stuff, my english teacher told me that she and Rachel spoke. about me. again, not sure if that's a good or a bad thing...

now for the not-so-good stuff. i really don't want to put this on here, but i made a promise to myself, and i trust you guys that you won't copy-paste this to your facebook or anything.

i nearly broke this week. a lot of stuff happened, and was supposed to happen. right now, i'm supposed to be in a hotel room with the girls from science olympiad. unfortunately, i was not made aware of the deadlines, and thus could not meet them. so i couldn't go. that, plus i was really stressed about my biotech final, my SAT's on saturday, post prom, and presenting my grad project on tuesday, my drivers test on that wednesday, and the senior grad proect expo (aka 8 hours of formal presentations) on the 11th. plus i wasn't allowed to take pain medication for my thumb. i really don't want to say this, but i honestly considered taking as many tylenol as i could or trying to get an addiction. i just didn't know how else to cope with the pain.

emotionally distressed
most likely depressed
suicidal and
clinging to apathy as the mortar that holds my crumbling facade together
that's me!


  1. oh, honey. i love you. i hurt for you and it so sucks that so much is going on at once. it especially sucks about the whole science olympiad thing. if you need an addiction, how about talking to me on the phone? or writing? it's more productive. always, ALWAYSALWAYSALWAYS i will pick up the phone if it's you. if i don't pick up the first time, leave a message and call me back right away, and i'll know it's an emergency.

    i love you, more than my own life. please don't take that away from me.

  2. Oh, Kat-chan! I luvs u!
    Why does everything always have to go on at once?! Its like, life is boring and then everything happens at one time and life gets stressful, and then life settles down again. I'm sorry you had to miss science olympiad :(
    It seems half the stuff is over, though! SATs aren't too bad. Colleges don't look at them as much as everyone makes it seem. Just know your vocab!! Which you seem to be pretty good at anyway...the reading/grammar/vocabulary section is what messed me up :(
    Post-prom should be fun -- not stressful!! Its tiring, but its time with friends and I will find a way to bring my Zexy wig and u can wear it OK? X3
    I wish you the best of luck on your presentations and such! You're really a lot better at those than you let yourself believe! I saw you presenting to that guy at the biotech place and you were amazing! Just be yourself and don't be nervous!! (yeah, I'm one to give advice on talking to people...X3)
    Anyway, break a leg!!!
    And if you need an addiction, Kingdom Hearts is a good one *hint-hint* You have to play it!!! If you have a DS (or your brother has one that you can borrow, I can lend you my KH: 358/2 game!!! You get to play as the socially-awkward-but-still-hot Roxas!!!!) Or if you have a playstation 2, you can play any of the other games (Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories).
